Reading to Michael

Created by bbouvier3 11 years ago
Michael loved to read, and what he read - as in most things he loved - he was compelled to share. During the late spring and early summer of this year he dove into William Manchester's monumental 3-volume biography of Winston Churchill. He was so enthralled by this work, that I'm reasonably sure that he couldn't read more than two paragraphs without finding something I had to hear right that instant. Sadly, by early July it was becoming too difficult to focus his eyes - probably due to a series of small strokes - to allow him to read for more than a few minutes, leaving the third volume unfinished. During his hospitalization later in the month he started asking me to read newspaper headlines, so he could choose features that interested him for me to read aloud. Gradually, his interests started shifting from the world of affairs to works that offered food for the soul. One of these was John O'Donohue's beautiful work, "Anam Cara - A Book of Celtic Wisdom". I've shared the following words with some friends and family members, but I believe they'll be of comfort here: "…if you live in this world with kindness, if you do not add to other people's burdens, but if you try to serve love, when the time comes for you to make the journey, you will receive a serenity, peace, and a welcoming freedom that will enable to go to the other world with great elegance, grace and acceptance." (p.213) Bobbie (10-Sept-2013)